Habitāre Models Exteriors Floorplans Elevations

An experience that moves you

Access to the planet’s most awe-inspiring,
untouched destinations.

Designed for remote locations, transformable Habitāre models are ultra-lightweight,
sustainably crafted, and easily installed to be light on the land.

25% of typical construction time frames at less than 1/3 of the cost. Our revolutionary
design qualifies rooms to be built without permits, granting access to unique and remote landscapes.

This is the innovative immersive experience you’ve been waiting for.


Indoor m2
Outdoor m2

Access the inaccessible. HABITāRE WIDE AND SLIM

Prepare to be moved.

See the earth, respect the earth. Our portable, lightweight design revolutionizes sustainable hospitality by taking it to an entirely new level. Like living organisms, our rooms will shift and move to honor the earth first. Our rapid installation provides a solution that is both economical and environmentally conscious. If it feels too good to be true, that’s because it’s never been done before.

Learn more about Habitāre.


The World is Yours to Discover

Interested in expanding your horizon? Please fill out the form and indicate if you are interested in becoming directly involved in making this innovative product a reality. Information on our insider's partner program to be announced soon.

You can also reach out directly at habitare@obmi.com or via WhatsApp.

Jake Chalmers Whatsapp
Jake Chalmers
WhatsApp Contact

Habitāre: The Concept

Introducing a truly moveable luxury hotel that allows hoteliers to develop in previously inaccessible
locations. By dramatically reducing typical costs, approvals and timelines, Habitāre makes high-profit
seasonal destinations instantly viable. Guests experience a new concept in luxury travel.

Typical construction timelines are
reduced by more than 75%

Compared to typical 5-star hotels,
build costs are reduced by more than 70%

Temporary structure eliminates
lengthy approval process

Structures are financed
independent of land

Lightweight materials result in transport and
installation cost of less than 5% asset value

Minimal environmental footprint creates
access to sensitive locations